The Codex Project

A multimedia opera directed by Katherine Helen Fisher, inspired by Codex Seraphinianus, an illustrated encyclopedia of an imaginary world originally published in 1981 by Luigi Serafini, an Italian artist, architect, and industrial designer. Contemporary composer Marcos Balter was so fascinated by this strange and beautiful book that he created a score upon which this exciting multi-media collaboration was built. The Codex Project was developed at the internationally renowned Baltimore School For The Arts and produced by provost Chris Ford, Nadia Sirota with collaborators, Catapult Entertainment, Bravo Media, Safety Third Productions, Art Director Pat Galluzzo and the students and faculty of the school. It premiered in Baltimore in 2015.



Baltimore magazine – Baltimore School for the Arts combines art, technology in spring performance 

Baltimore Sun – Baltimore School for the Arts takes bold step with “Codex Project”



